
Forest Fires



6 Years
Extra large

05-07-2018, 04:40 PM

There was something about her submissive behavior that fueled him, filled him with a rush like no other. Some part of him hated that it made him feel as proud as it did, but his demons relished in it. He lifted his head, twin ears pointed forward and upright on his skull like the horns of the devil. He waited for some sort of explanation, for her to beg for her freedom or try to convince him she had nothing to do with the stink of decay that lingered around her.

Instead, she offered a plea. Whatever part of him that didn't want to outright dominate her, claim her, and bring her home for the reaping simply quieted. His demons growled in his head, a low rumbling dwelling within his own chest for a moment before resonating up his throat into something more audible. He lowered his head only to test her, to push his nose against either of her cheeks below her eyes and nudge her head back and forth. Would she resist, or would she move with his pressure?

He tested her, his pushing gentle at first though the growling within his throat might have been foreboding for what was to come. He froze, his red eyes widening some as his lips began to quiver with intent. The muscles of his scared muzzle pulled back, square set of thick teeth on display as drool rolled down their slick slopes and dribbled on to the girl's nose. He never thought of himself as an outright cruel man, he told himself there was something instinctual behind this happening here.

Without warning, he lunged at her nape like lightning and would attempt to grasp it within those salivating teeth. He aimed for the fading white at the base of her neck and pinched, then immediately pulled attempting to drag her weight out of the den and out into the open sands of the island. He dropped her there and stared down at her, hackles raised and tail flagged as his teeth remained expressed and menacing. "You can start by telling me who, or what, is dead in that den.. and why."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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