
Glaciem Meeting


07-06-2013, 11:43 PM

There was so much commotion among the wolves, ex-glaciems as she was quickly figuring out, that it was hard to keep up. The elder white woman seemed to be the at the head of it all, discussing with the new russet queen. Clearly, none of those present, except for her at least, approved of the new queen. Seraphiel felt a little hesitant towards the new ruler, but if the rumors were true, she had bested Chief Gargoyle fair and square. She hadn't cheated, hadn't pulled any dirt tricks. She had simply done what she had probably been doing for who knows how long and fate had decided that Glaciem needed some fresh blood, something new. And the result was the russet woman. The young russet girl held no ill will towards the new queen, she didn't even know her. She was justified in her claiming of the land; she had won it fair and square. How could Sera be upset with that? There was nothing against it. She only felt sorry for the Chief that she'd never met and she hoped that he would be getting well soon.

But as the ex-glaciems began filing out, a new figure joined the dwindling group of wolves. Eren, the woman with the strange sea-green eyes that came from a jungle. Seraphiel watched the older woman curiously as she moved before the queen, proclaiming her loyalty to the russet vixen. If Eren thought her good enough to rule, then Seraphiel could too? She was a yearling after all, old enough to make her own decisions. The queen addressed the departing group one last time, giving them a fair warning to move on out if they were going to continue with their bashing of her before she turned her attention to the russet, obsidian marked female, asking her what her verdict would be. Audits swiveled forward with attention, sapphire gems intent on the woman as she cleared her throat before speaking. I bare no ill will to you ma'am. In my perspective, it seems that you have won your title fair and square and that is admirable. I only hope that the ex chief makes a full recovery. Although he sounded like a great man, I never got to meet him myself, therefore I have no loyalties to him. You appear to be more than capable of handling your new title, so I too will pledge my allegiance under your my queen. Russet skull was dipped towards her new alpha, sapphire gems even with the queen's, awaiting to see what she would say in response.

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