
You Make Me Feel Like I'll Be Okay



8 Years
Chrono I
05-07-2018, 07:56 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2018, 07:56 PM by Agria.)
Walk | "Agria" | "Kaine" | Think

She couldn't help but grin as they approached her, watching them with a delightful eye as they came closer. A lift in her chin as they moved along her side and took a gentle touch off her shoulder. "Of course, why else?" But her face would easily go back to it's troubled self and they wouldn't hesitate a moment with out question.

She looked around, avoiding eye contact but also trying to not make it seem like a big deal. She thought if they were able to look into her own pink rubies they would see her true troubles, and that wasn't something she wanted them to feel. She knew Kaine would be gleeful to the news she was holding back and making a big effort to keep them waiting. If they truly loved her than of course they would be happy. What committed partner wouldn't be? Aside from her that was.

"Kaine..." Her tongue held the last lash long and quiet before looking up at them with an attempted and very good act, "How could you not know?" She questioned teasingly and drug her eyes away with a cunning grin only to return them back to their form. "Did you think I was just letting myself go now that I have all your attention?" She lifted her paw delicately off the ground as if to gesture to her stomach. It wasn't really far enough along to notice entirely unless it was mentioned, only since she mentioned it and with her "morning" sickness, she just knew the antics of a pregnant woman. "Hmph, I am offended!"