
I love a rainy night



7 Years
Extra large
05-08-2018, 12:21 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2020, 11:58 AM by Torin.)

I've learned to slam on the break before I even turn the key,
before I make the mistake,
before I lead with the worst of me.

Torin blinked as she introduce herself, his smile growing and becoming a bit more genuine. "Any relation to Frostbite Wreckage?" he asked with a tinge of genuine curiosity. It seemed unlikely that there was many Wreckage families with no connection... but then he supposed there were likely a decent number of Adravendi's out there he didn't know.

Her next question caught him off guard and for a moment the man glanced out at the stormy sky. He was a loss, he certainly didn't want to be gone from Lirim for too long and he certainly didn't want to force a stranger to spend the night with him, on the other hand he didn't want to make her wait too long or go home and risk forgetting all together...

The man pondered in silence for a good few minutes before his mind stumbled upon a potential idea... how would she feel about it though? That last time he'd offered this option to someone it had been-

Torin frowned, shaking the images of the yellow eyed girl from his mind. Taking a few deep breaths he finally fixed his gaze back on Derecho and he spoke, his words chosen carefully.

"Lirim has a rank that's meant to be temporary, normally for housing travelers or injured wolves who need tending too but may not be sticking around permanently." He watched her face carefully as he spoke, trying to gauge her reaction. "If you wanted too you come back to my pack with me tonight-" His eyes grew wide for a moment as he realized what it sounded like he was saying. He quickly tried to cover his embarrassment. "You'd have a den you could sleep in all to yourself. Then we could head out to Abaven whenever you were ready." Then the ball would be in her court, she could maybe meet up with Frost, have a small family reunion and when she got to return to her own home would be totally in her paws.

"Silent treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Lynx!