
I could surely get lost


07-06-2013, 11:58 PM
He closed his eyes and enjoyed the serene atmosphere of the night, the sweet sound of Eren's melody drifting to his ears. He couldn't help but to add his own, deeper hum that twisted and danced wildly through the air with her sweeter sharper sounds. He opened his lids to find himself looking at the she with as she carried a bug on her nose. There were few things he enjoyed more than running, but he was certainly enjoying himself on this evening. The setting was perfect to just enjoy the company of another wolf. Her words cut their way through the quiet air, the need for wolves like him. What did she mean by saying something like that? "What do you mean, more like me? Why would that insult umm... Eos?" He realized she was probably talking about the alpha of her pack. He lowered his ears in slight embarrassment as the realization came after his words.
He didn't think about it for long as she continued on. She opened up for him, and it was obvious it did her some good. He wagged his tail and looked down as she said But you made me feel better, he gave her a crooked smile as his eyes lit up. "I'm glad I've been able to help you Eren."
He was glad to hear her confidence was rising, she was taking pride in her choices.

[Image: tablebottom.jpg]