
Clint Eastwood


05-09-2018, 10:48 AM

The Blood Dame ate in silence, paws hanging over the edge of the canyon as her fangs scraped against bone and caused the thin sinew to pop from the animal’s joints. It had been a stupid creature with a curved nose that fell over its jaws and far fatter than any boar she had ever seen. Exquisite. This land would certainly suit her needs if all the prey were as fat and slow as the unknown creature beneath her.

The fact that the land under her had been claimed had not escaped her; however, she made no call to be greeted. She was a godling after all, she would not beg for acceptance or submission to whoever came to her. She licked her chops passively and looked around, no sign of anyone just yet, and she was beginning to become bored. The pack was small, which was what drew her to it in the first place but waiting to be discovered was becoming tedious. Without bothering to rise Bathsheba held out her head and howled lowly, summoning the alpha to join her and share her meal.
