
Stranger Danger

Terra I


2 Years
05-09-2018, 08:38 PM

Terra had been offered a more comfortable place in the dens, as she had been a possible new addition to their ranks. However, she was much more comfortable near the heat of the volcano. It also gave her a sense of security, being able to run should anything go wrong. If the rain dare rear its ugly head, she would consider taking up a spot in the maw, but until then she had been just fine where she was. She hadn’t been there long, so there wasn’t an opportunity to learn much, but just seeing the place they called home told her a lot about this group. They were fearless, no doubt, and that was a trait Terra couldn’t help but admire. True warriors were hard to come across these days, so to finally come across a group that seemed to produce them, she wanted in no doubt.

Before jumping the gun though, she was determined to learn more. Terra had risen early, taking the time to inspect the grounds before anyone could come tamper with anything. Noting the skull and sacrificial blade, still stained with blood from a ritual, woman was sure of it. She quickly moved on to the mouth of the volcano. The bubbling liquid inside looked angry, like it was ready to erupt at any moment. It gave the woman an adrenaline rush just thinking about it, and the feeling brought euphoria with it. She continued to peek around, looking for anything revealing about this pack. Something to tell her more, give her more to work with. She was disappointed to find nothing, and disappointed that no one had come out to greet her yet. What a shame, she thought surely, they’d sense the newcomer.

The wisp threw her ass to the ground with a grunt, she couldn’t really blame them. The smells of the volcano were enough to cover anyone’s tracks. Perhaps that was good for the pack, a safety measure built into their territory. Terra batted around a rock, trying to distract herself until someone else rose from their slumber. Someone that might have a little more insight on the pack and their culture. She felt as though she might have worn their Apollyon out with her questions.


Terra is fluent in Latin.