
Stranger Danger

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
05-09-2018, 08:39 PM

Vale had been healing for quite some time and the man was proud to say that his wounds were finally almost completely gone. The only reminder were scars, littering his large frame, but that was a part of his story now. He’d been thinking about what Elias said of the lambs, and how not every soul was just a soul. He would need to do better, find wolves that could be useful if they proved their worth. He’d clearly made a mistake with the first lamb he brought back. He had been so worried about bringing something back for Elias, he didn’t consider her use. Brute had been beating himself up over it for days, still he had to focus on other things, like finding Elias’ children for him.

The beast pushed himself from the ground with a grunt, he’d been laying in one spot for too long. He needed to get out of the den and stretch out his muscles. Golden eyes searched the other dens for any activity, and he wasn’t surprised when he came across nothing. He descended to their courtyard of sorts on Mount Volkan, the smell of ash and sulfur invaded his nose. He couldn’t help it when his maw wrinkled at the unpleasant aroma, but he was getting used to it. No doubt it would take some time before the brute became fully adapted to these new surroundings. He scanned the area and to his surprise, spotted an unknown figure.

Of course, he was on edge about this newcomer, he had not been aware of anyone else joining their ranks, the way she was looking around so curiously as though she was looking for something or someone. Hackles raised as the man lowered his head. Fangs made their appearance and the man snarled in her direction. The voices whispering slowly getting louder as he approached. ”Take her, claim her for us. She’s ours, tear her apart.” Still, the man was going to follow what Elias told him, learn to listen to them but not let them control him. Why did they feel this woman was a threat? Was it simply because of her sudden appearance with no warning from the Apollyon. Once he came within about ten feet of the woman, he made his presence known. ”Don’t move, unless you want me to rip you to shreds. Who are you and what are you doing here, this is claimed territory.” His demons were surely ready to fight should this woman put up one.


Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.