
I love a rainy night



7 Years
Extra large
05-10-2018, 12:23 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2020, 11:58 AM by Torin.)

I've learned to slam on the break before I even turn the key,
before I make the mistake,
before I lead with the worst of me.

She spoke of her mother and confirmed his suspicions, Derecho asked about her uncle and Torin nodded. "Frostbite is currently the Kal- uh, the alpha of Lirim along with my brother Rory." He spoke the words with some amount of pride. He wouldn't mention his own rank for the time being; it had little importance in the current conversation and while Torin was certainly a proud wolf he wasn't prone to needless bragging.

Torin did his best to ignore her smile at his embarrassment, forging on with his suggestion, and then when it was all out he didn't have to wait long for her response. She agreed to his plan, giving him a smile; his own smile growing a bit bigger again. He cast his gaze towards the sky again, another ominous thunder clap rumbling through the sky and he took a moment to just breath.

"That way." He gestured with his muzzle back the way he'd come. "We'll have to pass through the desert a bit if you want to avoid the storm but it shouldn't be for too long." Normally he'd have skirted the harsher desert but if they wanted to be in Lirim with dens to huddle into before the skies opened up they'd have to take the less scenic route.

"Just follow me." He said, hoping to assure any misgiving she might have, though his words were a bit rough.

Torin, gave the sky one last cautious glance before he turned to lead the girl back towards Lirim.


"Silent treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Lynx!