
these battle scars don't look like they're fading

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
05-10-2018, 10:06 AM

He couldn't help but get quiet after she spoke of not being harvestable anymore. It was truly a shame to live your whole life like that, but that only told him that she was more than used to the life of a slave. Vale was a mission-oriented beast, determined to do as Elias asked of him. He hadn't been listening much when he was originally given orders considering his condition, but he knew that a soul was a soul. They had demons to satisfy and keep at bay. Vale's own demons whispering in the back of his mind now, telling him to maim her. However, he knew he shouldn't be cruel, that wasn't a part of the mission. He winced as he tried his best to ignore them, push their voices to the back of his mind.

They didn't have a long way to travel, as he found her in the east already. He'd look behind every now and then to be sure she was still behind her. He actually considered walking behind her at a point, as he would get frustrated if she struggled to keep up with his pace. He led them the same way he'd made it to Firefly Lake in the first place, it wasn't a long trip. Once they reached Mount Volkan was when the beast would finally speak again. "Go up the mountain, I'll follow behind." He then realized she was blind and might need some leading. Large muzzle moved to her hind end to nudge her in the right direction. Once he was sure she'd make it up, he'd follow behind slowly. Keeping those eyes peeled for any intruders or predators. He wasn't really interested in having anything ruin his plans for the day. Once they made it up he would call for Elias. Vocals emitted a low howl, something recognizable for the Apollyon. He was ready to present him with the first lamb yet, and boy was Vale proud.


Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.