
Where do I draw the line



6 Years
Athena I

05-10-2018, 09:39 PM

Her nose was full of the smell of marigolds and lavender. It completely drowned out the still freshly formed scent of the pack that was beginning to build around the rocky terrain. Her paws carried her carefully up through the mountain to the den that she had picked for herself. It was small, but it was all she needed. She had begun to dig out smaller ledges along the back of it for her herbs to rest on. The ground sloped away from the entrance gently so it wasn't too difficult to get to. It wasn't the green landscape she was used to, but it was good enough. She was with her family so could she really complain?

She padded into the shade of the den, dropping of the bundle of flowers in an empty place that she had yet to fill on her makeshift shelf. Daelos separated out the two kinds of herbs into separate piles before she turned back toward the sunlight that was filtering in through the entrance. There was little about all of this that she had let her think about too much - including the man that she and her mother had saved and the ritual of some kind that Elias had done. She walked back toward the entrance and stopped just before she left the darkness.

Daelos settled down onto her haunches and looked out over the mountain range. She thought about the rolling hills of the knolls she had just visited with Kai and it felt like it was a different world. All she could really hope was that she could make a new home here, but she had no idea how she fit into all of this. After another moment of hesitation she finally got back up and stepped back outside, slowly wandering through the pack's territory while her mind wandered just as far.

"Talk" "You" Think