
Let It Unfold Out [Pack Meeting]



5 Years
Extra large
05-10-2018, 11:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2018, 11:24 PM by Razi.)
Ashiel replied and Razi shrugged noncommittally, "Well as I can hope for." Really, she was itching to do something more productive. Perhaps she'd ask Pyralis to go on some adventures with her, since that would probably please her to no end and Razi could stand to do at least a little bonding with her older siblings. Best not to remain on the fringes forever, especially not with a higher rank.

The chit chat between the man named Czernobog and the woman named Zinnia was nice to hear. That was what pack wolves ought to do; get to know one another and work together willingly. If more of that started happening there'd be a good future ahead of the Eclipse's members.

Once Ashiel got things moving she would listen attentively to all he said. She'd make sure to watch herself around the river, though she cast a sly glance towards Pyralis, knowing some of her kin might be a little risk prone. Not that Razi thought the woman couldn't handle herself; she'd survived her own proclivities this long, she must be blessed by the Fallen god or something. At the mention of expansion Razi straightened, visibly interested. After listening to the other two women's responses, Razi would mull over her own thoughts for a moment before contributing to the discussion.

"I think I must agree. Access is important, and if we claim the Wraiths Woods we'll have an easier path from there to the Falls for herb gathering trips. There is a small body of water within the Wraiths woods, though if I were to play devil's advocate, I'd say Cedar Falls' merit would lie in having a more reliable water source. It also has some harder to find herbs that do not grow in the Wraiths Woods, though I'm not sure if they're valuable enough to claim the land for them. Prey-wise the lands aren't too different. In the end I'd still say we shouldn't claim the Falls."

She needn't comment on most of the last bit, being one who was raised in the ways of the Abraxas. She did, however, have one thing to add, "Yes, I was wanting to mention, I'm contemplating leading a little outing for those interested in exploring and navigation, as well as one for members to spend some time bonding outside the borders for those interested. Let me know if that's something any of you would like to participate it. Oh, and while that will be optional I'd like to discuss some more serious, mandatory training with you, Ashiel."
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