
You had me at Hello


07-07-2013, 12:54 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:26 AM by Ardent.)
Wh...where am I? I don't remember ever being in these parts before... She glanced around, clearly lost now...she had been trying to find somewhere to sleep, but this place...she didn't like. Earlier that day she had found scents of wolves, but she didn't know where exactly they led or if they were friendly or hostile. Seracia was what she had been looking for, a place she heard of from other rogues. Some had tried to get her to join Amenti or Tortuga, but she didn't like the way the wolves did things there...a shudder went through her as she remembered the vile ways of some of those wolves. Merciless cold blooded killers. She could never do that...Ears flicked nervously, trying to catch any trace of sound behind her. Her paws trailed over the ground quietly, so as not to attract any hostiles in the area.

The smooth grey mass moved through the canyon, glancing at the rocks rising on each side. Hopefully she'd find a place to rest, she had been walking a long while now...her paws aching for days. She had run into lots of rogues, those trying to fight or force themselves upon her. But she would not give in, and each attacker was sent on his way with a good memory of her flashing teeth ripping them apart. Gentle though she was, a relentless fighter she would turn into when she was provoked. She would not allow such scoundrels do her harm like that. And they needed to learn a lesson. She stopped, the gully opening up to wider lands. She trotted forward, stopping in the grass near a crop of rocks. Flora and fauna were present and lush in this part, and made her feel more relaxed. She began to sniff around the plants, a small scent catching her interest in the bush. Thrusting her head in, all the outside world could see was a standing, silvery grey mass.