
Don't be afraid to catch feels



7 Years
Athena I
05-13-2018, 10:57 PM

Pyre grinned a little at her question since it seemed like she had thought about it for a moment but had only come up with a fairly simple one to ask. He didn't mind though. He could make conversation out of just about anything. "No, not exactly. My dad brought us to this area when we were really young, but we mainly stayed further north of here. He was from here I guess, but he met my mom where I was born. When she died he brought us back here." He hadn't thought about his parents in quite a while. He really didn't remember much of his mother, but his dad he knew very well and missed him sometimes. He hadn't seen him in quite a while which was a little bit worrying, but he didn't dwell on it too much. He hadn't seen his sisters in a while either, but he was sure they were fine. He used the same mindset on his father and moved on. "I think he was trying to find some of our relatives, but he couldn't find any of them so we just moved around a lot on our own - my dad, me, and my two sisters."

He paused as he shifted his weight a bit and stretched out his legs with a content groan. The swim had been just enough of a workout that his muscles were pleasantly tired. That combined with the sun baking his fur was entirely relaxing to the point where he was pretty sure he could just fall asleep if he closed his eyes. A yawn stretched his jaws and he gave Echo a little apologetic grin. "Maybe we need a nap break in our story time, eh? What do you think?" He settled his head down on his forepaws as he looked at her curiously. "Or would you rather I keep grilling you for all the details of your life?"
