
In that funny lookin' car with the little blinkin’ lights

Tempest 1


3 Years
05-14-2018, 10:36 PM
The female welcomed the colder weather of Boreas. Winter was just around the corner... apparent by the frost on the ground and the crispness of the air. It had been what, two seasons now since her former pack disbanded? Tempest felt a little miffed at the fact, but alas it had been a long time coming… The pack had been disorganized and it’s leader weak. So when he decided he no longer wanted to lead what else would one expect to happen? Tempest could have rallied them all together… but she had made her decision… it wasn’t worth it. Not with that bunch. They weren’t worthy of her time.

Tempest move with a certain rhythm -- not too fast and not too slow across the cold black sand. The beach seemed to be aglow, the moon near it’s zenith in the sky reflecting upon the granules of obsidian that made up the ‘sand’ she walked on. Her tail moved thoughtfully back and forth, her golden eyes shining with a predatory light. She could have made an easy meal of the fish in the pools on the beach but where was the fun of that? Especially when she’d been tracking the injured whitetail for the better part of the evening?

Tempest lifted her head, nostrils flaring as she caught the scent of another. She could make out something up ahead… though was it another wolf at the carcass of her prey? It had better not be. She wasn’t normally one to fight over food… but this was going to be her first decent meal in a while. The young buck was hers and unless the stranger managed to convince her sharing or giving it up was worth it Tempest would tear them a new one if they even thought of taking a bite.