
Don't wanna fight no more


05-15-2018, 12:05 PM

The moon was high in the sky, round and full and seeming to fill up the sky above him. The stars seemed so insignificant in comparison. His head was tipped up to peer at the night sky from the perch he had created for himself on top of one of the larger rocks. The pale, white light made his teal-hued fur seem more silvered along his back and brought out the lighter flecks in his golden eyes. He was resting on his stomach with his forepaws crossed ever so neatly, seeming like a picture perfect statue in the silent surroundings.

He let his head lower once again to rest on his forelegs so that his gaze could scan the world around him. Sleep was evading him thus far and he wasn't entirely motivated to force himself to sleep. Without any kind of structure or expectations it was easy to let himself just wander without purpose, sleeping and eating whenever he pleased. Part of him liked the loose and unstructured state his life was in. He'd never had a reason to be tied to one place and wanderlust was certainly in his veins. He did wonder at times what the draw of living with others was. There must be benefits to it if so many packs took up so much space around here. He knew little about them or how they worked, but it seemed logical to assume that they were-

"something else to be a disappointment," he thought to himself as he let his eyes close for a moment.
