
Four In A Row Diagonally [Spar or Recruiting]


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-15-2018, 06:18 PM
OOC// Oops, got my days messed up lol oh well

Acere had succeeded in getting a bite in on his opponent, but the fight quickly turned against him when his hind leg seized up. He grit his teeth, his left hind leg cramping. He pulled away from Ashiel, but not before the young male had shouldered into his left flank. Ace turned to face Ashiel, his fighting posture falling away. "Wait!" He growled, though the growl was aimed at the gripping pain from his seizing leg. It felt like an iron grip was clamped tightly around it, forcing his leg to straighten out to the point he couldn't relax the muscles let alone move his toes. Well, this was embarrassing. Though it wasn't his fault, either. This was the first time that his leg had done this, and he wasn't quite sure why. Maybe just a one time thing? He hoped so. He couldn't fight properly if his leg was going to work against him...

After a minute or so, his leg finally began to relax and he too, let out a breath of relief when it finally stopped. He stood straight again, dipping his head in apology to Ashiel. "Sorry about that. That's the first time it's happened, not sure why..." He flexed his hind leg, testing to see if it would happen again...but now it just ached. "Perhaps we can try again whenever you wish. Be it today or another day," He sighed, embarrassment from what happened washing over him. "Sorry to disappoint you. But...if you don't mind, I meant when I said I was curious about your Fallen God. Mind telling me more about it?" Might as well do story time for the moment.