
Seeking an Eden



2 Years
05-15-2018, 07:18 PM

Nothing would stop him from the daily patrol, the nightly patrol, the thing that gave him purpose. There would always be a part of Dimitri that burned to keep his home safe, and this was now his home. They had welcomed him in, allowed him to eat at their table, and taken him to their ranks. Another pack filled with demons, with dark energy, and with all the things that went bump in the night. So it went, in his mind. So it went, in his life. You don't have to be born a demon to return as a demon, and that was his hope. That was his aim. The only thing that he needed was to keep pushing for absolution.

Dimitri was fast. There was nothing that could deny that. The very second a breeze picked up, carrying the scent of a man to his system? Well, that's when he went off. Like a shot, hackles high, a low growl in his chest that would carry to those around him on the wind. Intruder. His heart was pounding, blood rushing in his ears. Sound the alarm. Sound the alarm. All his brain was able to shout was sound the alarm.

Alarm sounded. A howl, a call that there was a fucking intruder. It was only after the wind had called to him that a stranger had arrived, that the man called on his own. There was aggression in Dimitri, an under current of something deeper. Elias should arrive soon enough, and for now the illusionist would greet the stranger. Hackles up high, eyes burning brightly, he moved to the stranger.

The creature that greeted his gaze was taller, heavier, and stood too far over the boundary of the packlands for his liking. "Step back over the border." It's an order from a man that stands with only the strangest posture. Dimitri isn't a creature like the others. No wolf. Never a wolf. Wolf hound. With a keen gaze that's been developed to take down creatures like the one before him, he straightens his posture further. Hackles up along his back, teeth glimmering in the daylight as they show beneath his lips. "What's your business?" Ears pinned to his skull, Dimitri watched carefully, as if staring into the creature to read his soul. There was nothing welcome about a stranger.