
If I can live through this



4 Years
05-15-2018, 08:18 PM

She was right at assuming her pelt was the way he remembered her. He had never been that good at social interactions. He had seen her around Celestial and though he always wanted to say something, to make a friend he always kinda just convinced himself not to and continued on. It was strange seeing her so far from the pack. In fact before he left it had been a while since he seen her which made him curious what she was doing around here. She was direct family to Regulus so he never would have thought her and her parents left the pack. He figured they had taken a trip somewhere and would be back.

His eyes looked up again just as she did and he found himself looking directly into those blue eyes of hers. He quickly felt uncomfortable, thinking she would view him as a creep or something so he dropped his gaze to the herbs again. She then politely declined his offer which made him mentally scold himself. 'You should have known she didn't want your help.' Though as she went on to explain it made him feel better. She wouldn't be able to take them all, but couldn't help but pick them. It was better then what he assumed the reason to be. His gaze lifted again at her soft giggle a small smile forming on his own lips.

She then went on to ask if he had left as well. As well? Those words caught him off guard a bit. Did this mean she had officially left as well?

"I have.... My younger siblings disappeared and I wanted to track them down and be sure they were alright, I didn't know how long it would take so I requested to leave." he replied. "And you? You left as well?"

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015