
Seeking an Eden



4 Years
05-16-2018, 08:07 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2018, 08:08 AM by Drakan.)

As another welcoming breeze swooped down from the mountain top, along with it came a new scent and a shrill cry. A warning to his presence. Taller male stood his ground in waiting as a single long-faced canine made it's appearance. Interesting. Drakan would think to himself, eyeing the creature up and down, his head giving a slight cock to the side. Nostrils wavered, taking in this new male's scent. It was then that he realized it was not the same as the one whom marked the borders.. The sound of the male's voice rang in his ear holes, the fluff atop his head where they should be shuddered as his imaginary ears twitched at the sudden command.

It would appear this was a stronger pack like he hoped... His previous encounters of trespassing onto pack territories was typically ignored or, rather, far too welcoming. These were signs of weakness in his eyes. The fact there were respectable packs still about was a breath of fresh air for the rogue. This also meant he'd need to be a bit more careful when interacting with them. Drakan made a slow, acknowledging blink followed by a respectable bowing of his head to the odd-looking male. Massive paws shuffled beneath him as they carried his mass backwards and closer to the border's edge as instructed.

Drakan would motion to move backwards at the very least a few feet to please the hound. The sparkling whites of the male's teeth catching his sunset-colored gaze as he re-postured himself back into his neutral, laid-back state. His black and silver coat laid smoothly over his build, showing he had no ill intent. As the male's voice chimed again, questioning his reasons for coming into the pack's territory, Drakan found himself looking off towards the lower lands once more. It wasn't that bad of a view from here. The male rolled his shoulders in a form of a shrug in response as he glanced back towards the long-faced male. "I'm a lost soul, a lost cause." His voice, although deep, was gentle and soothing in this moment. "Everything I knew has forsaken me, so I roam." Male went silent once again, drawing in a deep breath of the mountain- Earth, sulfur, and ash. It wasn't terribly unpleasant, but reminded him of the abandoned mines he resided in when he had first joined the battalion. The thought of the old Warchief sent a warm tingling sensation through his body.

"Speech." Thoughts.

[Image: HL1CWJV.png][Image: bqjzbYg.png]
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