
And I need that fire just to know that I'm awake [Ashiel]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
05-16-2018, 08:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2018, 07:38 PM by Ashiel.)
Running from the flash, headed straight into the blast

Ashiel moved slowly and carefully, grateful that the storm, the squall, had moved swiftly out of the canyon. However, the sudden deluge of rain on the otherwise dry terrain had caused a real mess of mud and debris. Ashiel was soaked to the bone. Griff was soaked to the bone. They looked awful. Ashiel was exhausted, covered in mud and blood leaked from the nasty injury on the left side of his skull as well from several nasty cuts on his legs and sides from when he'd been sent careening down the canyon side when the ledge he'd leapt to dissolved beneath him. By now it was getting late, the sun had peered out from behind the clouds long enough to cast its amber glow upon the young king for one last moment before slipping down into the horizon.

Ashiel winced, closing his eyes for a moment against the pain. The pain in his head throbbed so much he didn't dare attempt to shake the excess mud and water from his coat. Well, he didn't dare try that for another reason. Poor Griff was perched upon his back, talons digging into his fur, trying to dry out his wings. According to the bird his left wing had been strained but he did not think it broken. Thank be to small miracles. Ashiel was drying out considerably by the time he reached his den. He'd taken just not a physical beating but a spiritual and mental one as well. The vision had been festering in his mind for the entire journey. It seeded itself in his heart and he knew what he needed to do… but would the others accept it?

He couldn't think, he just wanted to rest. As he was about to lay down he heard Razi's call and sighed. He probably should get his head checked out before sleeping anyway.  Turning he headed toward where his aunt awaited. When he saw her he called out softly. "Aunt Razi, I was just on my way to see you. Griff and I seemed to have uh… had a little accident. What about you Razi, are you alright?"


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.