
And I need that fire just to know that I'm awake [Ashiel]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
05-18-2018, 06:40 PM

Ashiel, to his credit, sat obediently to let his aunt look him over rather than brushing her aside. As much as he'd love to put on a show of bravado and act like he was just fine, he really wasn't and he didn't have the energy to maintain such a farce. And of course there had been the dream. The words of Aerrigor still hissing into his ears, the stench of the creature still burning his nostrils. "I am sorry to show up in such a state. It seems the fallen god had a message for me and he didn't feel like being subtle about it."

He laid down as his aunt ordered, flinching a bit as she began to clean his head wound. Ashiel remained quiet and obedient. He shifted as she moved to clean some of the wounds at his side and when it was time to walk he stood, stumbled, and then swiftly regained his balance. He intended to walk proudly along with his aunt, not limping like some poor beggar… at least as long as he could bear it. Griff was nestled against his back again and Ashiel could feel the talons entrenching themselves in his pelt. He couldn't bring himself to chastise the bird. Not after what they'd been through.

Ashiel followed after Razi, moving to walk next to her but he did not lean on her. He wanted to go as far as he could on his own first. "We were scouting the canyon ahead of the storm. I misread the winds and failed to correctly gauge the squalls speed and direction. It hit and on the way to shelter Griff was blown into the canyon wall. When I turned back to find him the ledge underneath me collapsed and I fell." He winced at the memory. He winced at the fear that had threatened to drown him as effectively as the water. In that moment he was no longer an emperor but a scared child. Ashiel didn't realize fear could so swiftly, so efficiently, strip him of what he thought he was.

"Razi, while I was unconscious one of the high priests of the fallen god spoke to me in a vision. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen. He called himself Aerrigor. We spoke and… ack, sorry there's just so much and I'm still processing. However…"

Ashiel paused, bidding his aunt to stop as well, to face him. He wanted to look her in the eyes as he spoke again, barely keeping the shiver out of his voice. "I know this seems like madness but Razi… I have decided to step down as Emperor. I want to devote myself further into understanding our religion, to become a high priest of sorts, especially with Amon away and with the troubles back home. We need to find a better way to communicate with our ancestors. Someone from the younger generation must step forward and I would do so. I see now that the only reason I felt the need to start a pack in the first place was to impress my mother and uncle, to gain their respect. It was not a deed done out of need to fulfill the family's mission."

Ashiel sighed, the words drying his throat. "Razi, I believe the fallen god has a particular mission for me but I fear the family will be disappointed. We could merge Eclipse back into the Risen empire and strengthen our base. However, I also wondered… would you be interested in claiming it as your own? You are full of great wisdom Razi, you have the measure and the temperament to be a great leader in ways that I am too young to fully understand." Ashiel held his breath, his eyes searching for answers.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.