
Four In A Row Diagonally [Spar or Recruiting]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
05-18-2018, 07:01 PM
Swallow the Sun

Ashiel was just finding his rhythm when the man called out for him to wait. He did not seem the time to pull a trick or fight unfairly so Ashiel was swift to come to a halt and move away from the man to give him some space. His ears flicked forward as he watched the tremors in the mans leg. Had Ashiel caused that? If so he felt rather pleased about it but then on the other paw it had messed up their fight altogether which hadn't been his intent.

Ashiel nodded. "Sure, that works for me. It's probably for the best I don't linger here to long anyway. I do have a pack to get back to and an unruly mother who is only likely to get into more trouble the longer I leave her unattended." He chuckled. Surely she couldn't get up to to much in such a short amount of time? He turned his attention back to Acere. "Certainly, he is my ancestor. He ruled the celestial realms long ago but some of the other gods, in their jealousy attacked him. There was a great battle that ripped the heavens asunder. In the end even those he trusted turned against him and he was hurled down and in a diminished state." Their mission was simple, to restore their lineage to its birthright and re-obtain their place in the celestial realms but he didn't really feel like telling the mortal that. "My family and I are his descendants and are also bound to mortal form."

-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.