
It's a lil baby Eeyore



5 Years
05-18-2018, 10:32 PM

Ever cheerful, Sindre wandered through the treacherous terrain without a care in the world. It seemed like every few yards she walked by a sandy puddle with a leg or something sticking out of it. Others might have found that creepy, but not Sindre. She found it fascinating. Walking through this place was like playing a high stakes games. All around her were the losers, the unfortunate souls too dumb and scared to free themselves. Sindre though? She was going to be a winner. She was going to cross the expanse and come out on the other side as fit as a fiddle.

A particularly grisly specimen froze her in place. In the quicksand was the bloated, obviously dead corpse of a donkey jenny. Beside it, looking listless and lost, was a very small foal. Upon laying eyes on Sindre it shuffled away, but didn't go far. Its sides were caked in mud and from that small bit of information coupled with the obvious signs of struggle around the rim of the pit, it was easy to guess at what had happened. The foal had fallen in and mom had tried to save it, in the process getting trapped herself.

Sindre eyed the little creature, trying to decide what the best course of action was. Even though it was more or less a meal on legs Sindre couldn't help feel sorry for it. The foal, like her, was an orphan. She knew what it was like to lose a mother. Of course she hadn't been alone, she'd had her siblings with her, but Sindre had suddenly found herself in charge and that had been just as scary. "Well, honey," she said with a sympathetic sigh, "what are we gonna do with you?"

"Talk" "You" Think