
Rollercoaster [Full Moon Festival - Hunt]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
05-19-2018, 10:15 AM
ooc: Next Round due June 1

Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Ashiel grinned and nodded to Czernobog. "It is indeed. I think fate is smiling upon us tonight." He was followed by Zinnia and a member of Risen that he was not yet acquainted with. He waited patiently to see if any others would show and when it seemed the did not he turned his attention back to the group. This was a sizable hunting party. "Thank you all for coming. Tonight we'll be hunting Takin. For those unfamiliar with them they are similar to big horn sheep in build but they are about the size of oxen. Typically they'd be in the higher, rockier terras this time of year." Perhaps the silly creatures had considered the rocky terrain of Amron's Castle to be good enough. "However, Griff spied a small group nestled near the eastern side of Amron's castle. It is possible they are on the move and bedded down for the night there. Either way, this is truly fortuitous! Come, let's get started."

He took off toward where the heard had been found, his companion Griff soared above them as a scout while he relayed his plans. "They are extremely nimble despite their size so I'd like to keep them from bolting into the ruins of the castle if possible. Zinnia, miss… ?" He glanced at Agria for her name. "You two will approach the herd from the east. Czernobog and I shall slip through the ruins and approach from the west. From there we'll select a target." He strode across the field and Griff let out a cry. The Takin were difficult to see at first, bedded down in the grasses but once he spied them he saw that there were about five animals. One male, three females, and one calf about a season old. He nodded his head toward the calf. While a larger animal would feed more of them and be more suitable for a 'feast' the calf was good size and would be easier to drag back to the garden.

With the target selected he shifted off into the ruins. Climbing nimbly over the rocks until he felt he was in a good position. He then waited for the others to ready themselves. He wasn't particular about who took the killing bite. Whoever was there when the opportunity presented itself was good enough for him.


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.