
Even if it Breaks Your Heart



6 Years
05-19-2018, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2018, 10:25 PM by Corentine.)

Letting those words out into the open brought a new wave of feeling to them, her gold eyes softening further as she heard his content sigh. Even after hearing this scary news, even with all the uncertainty of the coming months there was one thing in her world that would keep her life bright and chipper. His presence seemed to pull her from her darkest emotions and his smile could instantly melt her fears away. He was her rock and she couldn't bare to live without him. He then smiled making her tail lightly drum the ground. He leaned over and gently licked her, the soft touch sending an electric like feeling through her system. It only fueled her need to be close to him, the want to invade his personal space and to let his scent overtake the scents of the world around her. She released her own content sigh closing her eyes as she soaked in the affection from him, but she wasn't satisfied with just that.

She craved more attention and she craved to give him all her attention and as much affection as she could come up with. These feelings were so alive, yet so confusing at the same time because she wasn't quite sure what to do or how to show him that she meant what she said. She shifted her form, shifting her legs to the left and gently leaning into his form, skin prickling at the warmth of his body. Tipping her muzzle to the right she gently nibbled at his neck, breathing in his scent and letting it ease her mind. Then out of the blue a lightness filled her and a smile crossed her lips before she shifted again rolling onto her back and playfully pawing at his muzzle and lifting her head to attempt to playfully nip his chin. She couldn't seem to hold herself back from being playful, trying to draw him out of his shell. Something told her he was holding back showing her his true emotions and she felt in this dark time they both needed this distraction, this happiness they were feeling. Her gold eyes were bright with a mischievous spark in her eyes.

She couldn't help it, she felt so good that she felt as energetic as a pup again. Once again she shifted rolling to her feet before smiling at him, pressing her nose to his shoulder before prancing a few feet away, her tail wagging. Pausing she looked back at him, her look playful. She wanted him to fallow, to chase her and to curb her sudden urge to be playful. Before giving him the chance to catch up she took off moving to a more secluded and pretty area of the plains before stopping and turning. Her heart was still racing and the rush she was getting from her emotions were overpowering. She waited for him, knowing that he just had to fallow her.


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