
Part the Waters


07-07-2013, 03:21 AM
he had not been staying in Valhalla long, though any that would have been paying attention would have figured out the reasons behind his behavior rather quickly. It didn't take a fool to notice his attraction to the Queen, and it certainly took less than that to realize that something was going on. Fact of the matter was, he loved Chrysanthe, she admittedly loved him, and he was doing his best to make up for it, regardless of the fact he oft fell short of the expectations she should have had for him. He wasn't a bad man, he just wasn't the best for her. He had grown up around different traditions and trying to make his own work for her, well, it was complex and a mission all in itself. He had spent some time with her, in her den, (doing who knows what), and he had spent his time trekking alone. He had been at the wedding, and thus Valhallans knew he was safe to be in the area, though, there was no question that he was treading a bit farther than he should have been in terms of what he had a right to do. That would change with time.

One thing that felt false to him having been staying in valhalla so long, was the immense rain that seemed to just pour, and pour, and pour. He had been turned to notice that he was rather tired of it, and that he had thought, from multiple visits, the land was as rich, green, as the sky was meant to be blue and clear. No, no, such was not a fact. It was mildly miserable and he had to admit that finding the time to things other than chrysanthe was insatiably hard. Still, what came next was relatively withoout warning and the man pulled himself forward as soon as her tones lingered through the air. Limbs excused him from the den, as water began to rush around him, limbs threatened to buckle and bend at the current, but immediately he found to get uphill. Still, through the falling rain, his gaze would turn out to the side and his ears would rock back against his head. The water; it was still coming. Tail pressed against his hind leg and teeth immediately became present. This was the equivalent ot a battle, simple as that.

A young man, quite large, immediately came forth, his tones ringing out in an offer to assist the Queen and for whatever reason even something so simple and innocent made the man jealous. Still, it was no time for him to make banter on what was okay and what wasn't. Besides, chrysanthe was totally out of the kid's league. Shrugging his shoulders he turned his gaze to the right as the floodwater came and came, rushing in, burying what they knew, "Get her out of here!" head turned and he snapped at the child, pressing his shoulder against Chrysanthe's side before turning off to the side, "GO! I can swim just fine, I need to find any children," and just like that he set off, immediately throwing his eyes around, thrashing, and moving staying up high where he could to make sure no children were stuck lost in the wreckage and helpless. Valhalla would not lose a life today, it simply, simply could not.

-Gideon is searching for those in need-