
Huntin' The World



7 Years
05-20-2018, 09:45 PM

She was growing used to her cave den by now, even though the colder nights it still felt rather cold. She was liking it here more with each passing day and had her hopes set on getting to know the members of the new pack she now called home. She had already met Typhon and felt drawn to the man. Like Ashiel he had seemed to be vary nice, treated her with respect despite being a mere mortal. Though it helped that she tread lightly and tried to show her upmost respect to the family. There was others that she needed to meet, but she didn't want to annoyingly push herself into their lives. It may take a long process, but she would get to know them and hopefully learn her place in the pack and the family.

Today her light colored form moved with ease among the oak's. Quiet movements and alert pose was a tell tale sign that she was tracking prey. Now that she had plenty of time to settle in it was time to fan out and begin to trail and track herds. Smaller game lived within the canyon, but larger and more significant prey did not. This was what she was doing, looking for large prey and groups of them. She herself would be no good at taking large prey down, but Czern had interest in hunting larger game, and maybe they would have interest for a pack hunt. Since the festival she was had a lot more drive to try and organize a pack hunt.

Her tail gently wagged as she moved along, nose to the ground as she traveled along the trail. It was a hot trail, but this small group was on the move so she was unsure that they would ever stop. She had plenty of energy to continue on the trail and didn't plan to give up yet.

"Speech" & 'Think'