
live & love & don't let go


07-07-2013, 08:51 AM

Her whimper did not go unheard, and thankfully it wasn't accompanied by a growl. As she curled against him he felt his heart relaxing to a more comfortable beat, reminding him of his desires. The chill of the spring air was pleasant, but certainly not as frigid as winter's had been. A smile wrinkled his face as he placed a gentle kiss atop her head. ".. and how I missed you," he crooned with affection. Jaws strayed to nibble on her crimson ear as he showered his affection on her for a moment more. "I have much to tell you," came declarative tones. And much to ask... he mused in his head. He pressed himself tightly to her. "Come, let's take a stroll in the moonlight." It seemed he had aged a fortnight - at least in the way he thought - since he'd gone.

He twisted and reluctantly pulled his bodice from hers, bringing it to her side and waiting for her to join him. "Father and I discovered a few islands off of the shore of this land. More than a few, actually. We explored one or two - but mostly we just talked." He paused, a sigh lingering just out of reach. "He told me things I'd never heard before - about him, about my mother." Lime eyes narrowed slightly. "I think he?s giving up, father. He?s talking about stepping down." He wasn?t sure if his father was doing it because he believed in Maverick, or if he felt he couldn?t do the crown justice anymore. Either way, Maverick had a bad feeling about all of this.


ooc; sorry these are short, ipad = shortpost