
Dancers and Highsteppers [Amos]



3 Years
05-23-2018, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2018, 09:38 PM by Amos. Edit Reason: Fixing round number, supervised by Tea. )
He hadn't anticipated the sudden change of position, though inwardly he appreciated the quick thinking as his teeth caught only air. If he wasn't in a bit of a… compromising position he might be more amused, as it was though Amos was just glad his fur prevented the heat rising to his cheeks from being visible. As he gripped her waist with his forelegs his tail flagged out, moving slightly every so often to help maintain his balance as needed. Claws dug hard into the soil, toes splaying out for added traction as his weight was settled neatly over his hindquarters.

Not being quick enough to look at what his opponent was doing, the sudden shoulder to his left hock was hardly foreseen and shook his balance, leaving light bruising on the joint as his balance was shaken. Amos moved his weight to his last remaining leg but was smart enough not to assume she'd eave him one limb for stability. He'd seek to tighten his grip around her waist, letting himself fall to his right while hoping to pull her with.

As his body his the ground Amos would grit his teeth through the dull throb he felt in his left leg, forcing it to try and strike out at the left side of Aurielle's front left limb in the hopes of sweeping it out from under her and helping to drag the smaller woman down with him. Simultaneously he'd part his jaws and seek to grab her hind right leg, upper jaw seeking the back of the limb while lower jaws aimed for the front, just below her hock since he was downed.

His ears remained flattened, eyes narrowed as they began rolling in the dirt, lips puled back in a still determined snarl. His tail changed positions, tucking between his legs now that he'd been knocked prone on the ground. Hackles were raised along his spine.

Amos vs Aurielle for Practice Spar
Round 3/3
Height:36 inches
Build: Heavy
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]