
musn't hurry



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
05-24-2018, 10:33 AM
There were very few wolves who could elicit such a genuine expression of happiness from her, but Valdis was one of them, without question. Though their friendship was a unique - they only saw one another every few seasons, at best - Asvor trusted her more than anyone, besides her family, and she doubted she would find another wolf she cared for quite the same way. She hadn't thought much about her feelings, though knew without a doubt that she would be happier if they met more often, and that her heart was heavy whenever they had to say their farewells.

Her explanation brought a slight frown to Asvor's face. It really did seem like her friend had bad luck in terms of stable homes, despite her own efforts - it clearly didn't matter how hard she trained and how far she rose of the packs all ceased to exist. Her brows furrowed in deep thought. "I'm sorry that happened," she offered gently. It was, perhaps, the first time she'd ever really apologized to anyone - and for something she had nothing to do with, no less. It didn't stop her from empathizing with her, though. She could relate to feeling as though nowhere was quite like home to her.  

Her next comment, though, took Asvor slightly by surprise. In a good way. The slight frown slowly relaxed into a faint smile, though she was still trying to wrap her mind around her friend's words. "I've been thinking about you quite a bit too," she admitted, more tentatively than she would've liked to. The extent of what Valdis was implying, though, she really wasn't sure. It wasn't like she was straight up saying she wanted to settle down somewhere here with her, but it seemed she was interested in staying - even if just temporarily. Right? "I like the sound of you being around more often," the Finnvi admitted with a slow grin. "The only family I've really seen lately is my sister, Naudir. We've been keeping an eye on the surrounding lands in hopes of finding something that piques our interest." What that something was, she really wasn't sure, but she know she'd be even happier with her uncertainty with Valdis nearby and not halfway across the continent. Her newfound joy was hard to contain, and the smile was visible in her gaze as she glanced at Valdis and then back to her surroundings, musing over this new revelation.