
Tiger, Tiger by the Tail [Amos!]



3 Years
05-24-2018, 10:51 PM
Claws and jaws were swiping madly in his direction as Amos switched from offense to defense, chin tucked, ears back, lips pulled into a snarl and eyes narrowed to protect them as the cat came after him. The animal was damn fast, and having never fought a feline before, Amos wasn't used to the swift, fluid movements so he couldn't be too surprised when he felt the sting of claws on his left cheek. Jaws parted as Amos tilted his head to the left, hopping forward and grabbing hold of the tiger's right forearm just above the wrist as it was drawing the limb back for another assault. Amos jerked back, fangs tearing through the soft flesh of the tiger's leg, rewarding him with the coppery taste of blood in his mouth.

When Aurielle vaulted elegantly onto the enraged feline's back it seemed to get more perturbed as it was realizing these wolves weren't going down easy. As another large paw came towards Amos he ducked, practically throwing himself towards the ground and successfully evading the hit as he heard an angry growl and saw Aurielle fly back towards the ground.

Amos stayed low, charging forward as Aurielle got their opponent's attention again with a headbutt to the gut. Seeking to throw the point of his right shoulder into the tiger's right shoulder where it met the upper leg, simultaneously angling his head to the right and aiming a bite upward in a bold move towards the tiger's throat. The shoulder connected, moderate bruising blooming along Amos' own shoulder as a result, though he was satisfied to see the creature's balance appear a bit shaken as it favored the limb slightly. His jaws also found their mark, upper jaw finding purchase at the back of the left side of the tiger's jaw where it met it's neck, lower jaw finding the same point on the right side. Drawing his jaws together, he could hear the tiger's breathing become a slight wheeze, knowing he'd have claws coming his way in a moment.
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]