
Listen to the siren's song.(open)



2 Years
05-25-2018, 07:08 AM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2018, 07:11 AM by Lullaby.)

The midnight air was calm and surreal,It was almost like the planet was at peace. Lullaby slowly strolled across the dark colored sands, her black pelt seemed to blend with in the sands. Her white markings stood out like a sore thumb, not to mention her silver eyes. To one afar it was like they saw the beach it self moving. It was almost like her white markings glowed with the beach at night. Of course with the company of silver orbs Leading the way. The sounds of water splashing against the shore was like a sirens call. It could lure the best of travelers to its side. She slowed her pace just as she came closer to the waters edge. Sinking one paw in to the chilled waters she smiled ever so slightly.

It was a breath of fresh air, The silence of the night. Sitting down she removed her paw from the waters, and starred off in to the distance. The moonlight reflected ever so gracefully across the surface of the water. It was like a mirror, reflecting the night sky. To her this was the best thing ever, The fresh air, the sounds of the waves, the black sands. It was the best. She closed her eyes and drifted off into her own mind. 'Oh how we love the air. Without it we will not be here. Oh how we love the sun, it brings us days of fun. The world we live in, is full of love, full of hate, full of beauty. Yet with every passing day the world grows ever so more.'

It was an amazing feeling, the solitude. Still in her mind she went over some herbs that she knew of. After all practicing what you know is a benefit. Your mind will not get rusty, it will keep you sharp on what skills you do know of. '  Agrimony, a yellow flower, Mainly used for diarrhea. Location..Location..Where is its location. ' She only knew of it in a few places. ' Oh yes, you can find it in Waterfall Peak, and Emerald valley. Yet there should be more places.' She was not to sure where else you can find it. She did not know much, but enough to be helpful. ' I am also quite fond of Horsetail. A very, very useful plant. Wounds are not the best to have.' She sat there going over what she knows in her mind. While doing this the sounds of the waves filled the air ever so more. Just like a siren's call.    

[Image: lullaby_sig_by_terohime-dcchgz7.png]