
By The Gods



5 Years
05-26-2018, 06:03 PM
Serene Validis

Serene was not familiar with the area he spoke with, nor was she familiar with the pack. But it was good knowledge to have; in case she ever came across the pack, at least she could tell them she was a friend and not an enemy. "I haven't heard of them before, but your parents must be so proud. They now have two alphas caring on their name!" She couldn't imagine how his mother must feel, giving life to such important wolves, or his father for siring such powerful creatures. It also made her wonder if maybe this God of his was truly favoring his lineage. It made Malleus even more... well more than he already was. Something stirred in her chest, a flux of her heartbeat and an increase in temperature, when she thought about him. It was peculiar to say the least, but perhaps this was normal for wolves who met such blessed creatures.

His next words made her pause, because she wondered if she could share such a thing, or if she could even voice it out loud. Perhaps it was a regular thing wolves asked, but Serene had been sheltered from such vulgarity and wouldn't want to live in a world that took part in such requests. However, when she looked into his eyes, she did not see anything that told her not to, and something else was pulling her towards him, to tell him. Something told her that Malleus was one who could be trusted with any and all secrets, so she did. "His name is Daemon Areus," she nearly choked upon saying his name, for the chills continued to rack her skin. "I needed help out of a situation, I thought he would help me but... he wanted something in return..." Her body visibly shook as the truth neared, her tail immediately wrapping around her abdomen in attempt to protect whatever future life it would one day hold, from what she was about to say. "He... wanted pups from me."

He wanted her pups. It nearly made her vomit at the time but even now her stomach turned. How could someone ask of such a thing? Serene was of pure mind, heart, and body. She would never part take in such a deal of her own free will, but survival had forced her to accept it. She had wondered if perhaps she could hide from his grasps somewhere, like her mother had, at least until her season passed. But where would be safe? Where could she go where such a beast could not find her? She was almost certain that one day he would come for her, Serene could only hope that day was far, far away.
