

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
05-26-2018, 10:52 PM

It took mere moments for the sonorous crooning to trail off. A shame, really. To hear another's devotion was to peer into their soul, something rare for the sightless. He can hear the soft, unharried breaths of the other wolf. Scents the musk of testosterone leaking from his pores. A big male, who is far from worried by the presence of another in the bowels of the earth. A rare breed, but a pleasure nonetheless. "Well well well!" the booming baritones invade sensitive ears, forcing them to attention. So similar to the rumbling depth of his brother's voice. "To whom do I owe the pleasure? had I known I'd be performing to an audience, I would have worn a nicer outfit. Alas, I'm left woefully drab and I find that I'm usually not the only one who shows up to the party wearing black."

A quizzical lift of one pale brow point, and the herald took a step closer. Small, testing the ground beforehand. Protruding rock is the bane of his existence. Golden cranium dipped politely in greeting. "Gabriel Morningstar is my name," he murmured, his soft vocals carrying well in the enclosed space. The male had no response to the rest of the... interesting- tirade that had followed the boon of his name.

"But oh, I seem to have forgotten my manners again. Still, it's impolite to intrude during a rehearsal. Well, c'est la vie, I suppose I can make an exception this time." The male continue, tone banal and aloof. He seemed to be feigning his offenses, though through the years the herald had learned not to make assumptions. Chin tipping towards the ground, the male felt guilty nonetheless. "It was not my intent to intrude," he said gently, daring to lift his marred countenance once again. Pointing a blind, sea foam gaze in the vague direction of the other male. "it's only that I so rarely hear another singing their devotion, and I had to learn the source." It was true, he had been drawn like a moth to a flame.

By way of introduction, the strange male began to speak again. "I have many names, though perhaps you'll see fit to find a new one for me? Elsewise, you may call me Mercury." The air shifted dramatically, and the sound of limbs moving by way of gesture was the best that the male could make out. Clicking of nails on stone, as the paws shift their stance. He could hear the swift inhale of the other male. Taking in his scent quite intently. "Mercury is a good name," He murmured tentatively, bobbing his head in affirmation. "I heard once that it was the name of an old god, but also that it was the name of a deadly metal." Herein lay his own query to the stranger. "Which are you, Mercury? A deity, or death to an unfortunate soul?" Though words weren't always his specialty, the male was not shy of riddles and games.

"What brings you to such a place? I'd scarcely think one with any self-preservation skills would wander so far..." Of course, the herald had already given that away. Perhaps he should have waited and listened, respectfully. As Father had taught him. All at once, the recollection of the Lord's teachings struck him like a blow. Reminded him of what had happened. He dared not put more thought into it, for fear that it would ruin his meeting with this odd stranger.

"Gabriel" Thoughts "Others"


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.