
Don't Dream It's Over



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

05-27-2018, 07:19 PM

It was moments like this that he was grateful for the thick coat of fur that he inherited from his mother. He hadn't spent much of his life living in the north, but he was certainly built for it. His large paws crunched through the snow easily, his toes spreading and acting like snow shoes and keeping him from falling all the way through the deep layer of snow for the most part. If he was at his full weight he might have had more trouble with it, but as it was he was fairly thin compared to how he used to be when he was living in a pack. All the traveling he had been doing combined with a lack of a steady supply of food had made him slim down quite a bit. It was hard to tell through his fur, but he could tell a difference. He just hoped that Jayne was doing okay without him.

He stopped as he reached the frozen shore line and frowned. Ever since they got separated worry had been nagging at him. He should have never let her go off on her own. Even if the path had been too narrow for him to cross with her, he should have insisted they find a different way to go. He had expected to find her on the other side of the mountain pass waiting for him, but she wasn't there. He had waited for her for some time, but after a while he had begun to look for her in the area around the mountain. Where could she have gone? It was hard to track her scent with all of this constant snow fall and any footprints she would have left behind were quickly covered over.

Tiburtius sighed and wondered if he should start heading East to try and find his mother. How could he face her now though? He had promised to watch over his little sister on their trip. He couldn't just show up without her. As his ears flicked back against his skull he turned and kept walking along the shore, hoping that he could loop back around the base of the mountain to search the other areas in the north before he tried searching anywhere else.

"Talk" "You" Think