
Who We Are Isn't How We Live



5 Years
Extra large
05-27-2018, 11:49 PM
She noticed the woman's glance but only kept a light smile on her lips. Something about Aranea had Razi wondering if there was anything weighing on her mind. If there was she wouldn't push the matter. Razi understood that some wolves needed and valued their privacy, herself being a good example, but she might keep an eye on the pale woman in case the flickers of troubled looks built up a need to vent.

The woman said she'd let Razi know. Hopefully she would, it would be nice to get to know more packmates a little better and little expeditions outside the borders might be good ways to accomplish that. Razi flashed a slightly wider smile as she replied to the last bit, "I would very much appreciate that. I've witnessed a fair number of births but these will be my first children. It's admittedly a slightly more intimidating prospect when they're so close to being born."

There was a few moments pause as Razi glanced again to the lowered river, making mental notes of things to be discussed and matters to attend to before she was well and truly stuck within the borders. Who was she kidding… She'd be in and out of the pack lands the second she felt she could manage such trips. Turning back to Aranea she'd ask, "Have you met many of the other members? I only really know those who are my kin, although hopefully I'll be getting to know others soon." It wouldn't do for her to keep letting them all be strangers. Besides, the more everyone got to know one another the better. A pack did better when its members were friendly, rather than everyone living entirely separate lives.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]