
Mirror Mirror on the Lake..

Elysia I


07-07-2013, 12:42 PM
Spring, how lush and green things become in such a hurry after the cold grip of winter. How awe-inspiring things grew and new lives start. If only it was awe-inspiring. But not for this creature. It was young, one would assume it would be bouncing and running about like others in bliss content. No..not this one. During that cold winter things changed, huge changes. It wasn?t supposed to happen. To be separated from it's mother unprepared. But what could she do? Just lie down, roll over and give up? Certainly not, she would be a shame to her kind if she simply just gave up without a fight or uttered word. No for the honor of her family she struggled to stay alive.
How lonely it is! To fight each day lone with no advice, to learn things that should have been taught to her. At least she had been taught to fish. It only had been not winter when this thing had happened. Yeah, that was her luck. Lose your family in the mid of winter with only a stable ability to fish. So she followed the ravens. Oh they had become good allies. She would wait for them in the sky, waiting for their direction towards carrion. It had been better than nothing, but even that was barely getting by. Natural instincts and hunger taught her to hunt small game, like rabbits or even a foolish bird set on search its own food among the snow covered forest floor. Whatever she did manage to catch, some was left to the black birds that had aided her in her time on need. Whether they new they helped or not didn?t matter to her. She just believed it was only far.

Oh but it is spring now, so much more to hunt and find. So many things to learn! Her sharp mind buzzed with endless questions. Sea green eyes search for one main thing. A body of water, any kind so long as plenty of fish were in it. Dark brown nose twitched in the air for hints of moisture. In her days of travel, it wouldn?t take long. This world seemed to have water placed just about right with enough distance from each other. Pink tongue darted out to lick her lips.
Cresting a small mound of earth a gleam of dying sunlight reflected off of something. Only one thing could do that, at least that?s what the brown wolfess believed. With a yep, paws picked up a swift pace to the lake's edge. There was no hesitation as she dived into the lake till the water reached her chest. The cold from the winter still lingered in the water for it was a relief. Happily she drank her fill and took comfort in something familiar.
Refreshed the brown wolfess focused her attention to the depths of the lake. Eyes stared intensely at the water, almost as if she was staring at herself. Patience was key to this hunting game. So absorbed into her hunt she wouldn?t realize other movements about her, nor the sinking sun that would bring forth her fears. No only hunger was on the mind.