
Show me what you got



6 Years
Extra large
05-28-2018, 12:42 PM
For a long while she sat alone, absently eyeing the skull at her paws and following the thin cracks that ran over it's sun-bleached surface with her narrowed crimson eyes. My, poor creature must have died from quite the blow to the head. Oh well, the world was probably better off without whoever this was if they could manage to get a head wound like that. Her inner musings were interrupted when she caught wind of the approaching stranger. A dark ear flicked in that direction as the man came into an audible range, though she wouldn't look up for a few moments until after he'd begun his rambling quips. Swinging her crimson gaze his direction with a roll of her eyes, Alis fixed him with an unamused expression.

"Always best to be prepared for a formal occasion, should one arise, I suppose," she purred, not sure what to make of the clearly blind man with the chatty personality. If she wasn't careful to get things rolling he just might talk her damn ear off. "Ooh, that might be a fun little epithet to add to my calling. "Miss Demanding Alis Praetor" has a nice ring to it, right? If we're starting off with pleasantries, do share your own title." She would roll her shoulders forward, loosening the muscles there. As she stood she'd place a paw on the skull she'd previously studied, leaning her weight onto it and cracking the already broken thing. Oh, she was ready for a good spar, even if it was with a blind man, he had to know what he was getting into, right? Can't feel bad for those who have ample time to back out like cowards.

Treading a slow, careful semi-circle through the open space, Alis would use these preparatory moments to loosen her muscles and prepare them for the impending spar. Blind or not, she'd not be caught assuming she could win based solely on her opponent's perceived weaknesses. No, she'd win because she was better and that's all there was to it. When she felt good and ready and had thoroughly ignored the man's last few statements, Alis paused her movements, squaring off with her opponent - aiming to bring herself face to face with him - and rumbling, "Lets"


Her defenses were set with the practiced fluidity of someone who fought often. Legs spread evenly beneath her body, knees bent slightly to lower her center of gravity, toes spread out and claws biting into the soil beneath her. Next, her ears would fold back, head and tail moved even with her spine for balance while her lips peeled back in a snarl and her crimson eyes narrowed to slits to protect them from any fangs or claws that came their way. Her shoulders remained rolled forward, pushing fur and fat up protectively around her vitals. Now she was ready.

Some wolves might ask who wanted to go first, but Alis being accustomed to battle knows you don't ask permission; you just get on with it and let the fight begin, so she'd do just that in practice. Seeking to close the wide distance between them, the monochromatic wolf would creep the first few steps forward, aiming to narrow the gap before she'd seek to charge headlong into the dark wolf. Her goal was to throw all of her weight and momentum into a headbutt, skull seeking to hit dead center in the opponent's chest, hopefully with enough force to leave major bruising or even knock the air from his lungs.

Shifting her weight to her other three legs, Alis lifted her left front paw, pull into it back and seeking to jab her wrist joint into the space where the man's right front leg met the shoulder in hopes of leaving moderate bruising and possibly compromising his balance. Instead of letting her leg fall back to the ground, she'd aim to have the same left front paw land on the man's right front paw, also looking to leave bruising and further compromise the limb in the process.

Her jaws would then part, fangs seeming to call for blood as she angled her head to her own left aiming a bite at the spot she'd just sought to aim a different attack at, the place where his right shoulder and the top of the leg met. Lower jaws aiming for the front of the joint, while her lower jaw sought purchase on the back, just above his elbow. Her goal was moderate lacerations, intending to draw blood right from the get go. It wasn't a real spar without some spilt blood, right?

Pyralis vs Mercury for practice!
Round 1/3
Height: 41"
Build: heavy
OOC: Forgot to mention in the first post, but let me know at any point if you want to extend the default past three days<3 good luck and thanks for sparring!