
Show me what you got


05-28-2018, 01:11 PM
Ah, if only it was so easy! Her weight was both a boon, and a curse, for it made it easier for the blind man to follow her-- either based purely on sound alone, or even the subtle tremors that each of her massive steps rolled through the earth. Still, he was more than prepared,"Mercury," he replied, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Demanding Alis Praetor." There is no malice in his tone, but rather pleasant amusement and enticing excitement. He squares himself firmly, prepared to meet her blows-- but he is light, light in weight and light on his feet, and with little warning, he shifts sharply to the left (His own left), though not with enough time to entirely avoid her. As he moves, he twists in a way that only the most lithe of creatures can do, arching his body and spine in a very sharp 'C' to bring his own jaws to snap at the thick nape and fur and flesh towards the side of her neck/face. Granted, if a hold is managed, he would not aim to do any lasting damage, for this was a spar for practice, rather than maiming. Her headbutt misses it's intended mark, but instead manages to land squarely on his hip, the bone and fur and flesh meeting the top of her skull with an uncomfortable 'thunk', though he is fine with this. It will most certainly bruise, and her sheer weight and force actually causes his back end to be tossed out, skidding to widen the arch of his form as his nails scrabble across the ground, kicking up dirt as he curls his nails into the earth for purchase. He wheezes, not from pain, but from the sheer force of the blow, despite it missing his chest and ribs.

Even as he moves, he is careful to keep his hackles lifted and tail well-tucked, and were it not for the fact that he had lowered his body previously--perhaps to help center his balance, for he is tall and light and his center of gravity must be lowered for any sort of stability-- her attack may have hit it's mark squarely. However, he is also counting on her momentum to carry her further forward-- she cannot stop on a dime, can she? He wonders, but regardless, he has his own ideas. Fleet-footed and agile in a manner that speaks moreso to his skill and self-confidence than in anything else, he continues onward. Were his jaws to find purchase in any bit of her flesh, he would follow through with the curvature of his form so that he stood perpendicular to her, prepared to bounce back on his heels to pull away from the gnashing and snapping jaws that most certainly will come after him.

Quick in, quick out. His agility and speed are his greatest assets, for where brute strength is concerned, he is somewhat on the leaner side. He remains streamlined to the utmost of his abilities, ears flattened sharp against his skull with his snarled grin on full display, head and chin remaining tucked against hos throat, for even in spars, it is important to keep ones bases covered. His tail only briefly flares out to act as a rudder, helping him balance before it quickly finds itself tucked against him once again, bending each of his joints in tandem so that his spider-like form is lower. Great, that center of balance at work again. The action itself causes an unwelcome sting at his hip, where her skull had connected. He can feel the bruising already growing hot, though he steels himself against the soreness and prepares to meet her teeth again, though her initial chomp seems to have missed it's mark, mostly due to her own headbutt knocking his hind-end forward! Even as his own jaws gnash and snap towards her, he keeps his tongue pressed upwards, as he'd not want to knick it against his own teeth, and his eyes briefly squeeze shut as the dirt is kicked up but he allows them to creak open just a bit, though he sees nothing with them.

(No posting table used for easier reading!)
Height - 42 Inches
Weight - 107 lbs
Build - LIGHT