
Show me what you got


05-28-2018, 04:05 PM
His muzzle remains wrinkled in a soundless snarl, eyes narrowed to thin slits purely to preemptively prevent any pain or dirt or damage. He chuffs out a laugh that is muffled into her fur and flesh as his teeth find purchase, however brief, and the taste of blood hits his tongue with the taste sharp, metallic and rich. Still, he is calculating-- she throws her weight forward, and he wonders how her stamina is going to hold up if she continues to throw her all into each motion, though he can clearly admire her conviction. She moves to circle with him, and her teeth meet the webbing of flesh at the meeting on his hip and torso, though the feel of her teeth slicing through the thin, vein-filled skin sends an electric jolt of white-hot pain through that same hindlimb-- ouch ouch ouch. His ears briefly lift, only to shoot back flat against his skull in reaction to the sudden pain, hackles bristling in an extra response. The amount of blood vessels and capillaries there meant that the wound would bleed rather profusely, despite the injury itself being superficial. Still, he can use this, too, to his advantage, for while she is doing that, he manages to lurch forward with a surprisingly pointed lunge, aiming to grasp her hind-ankle to yank it upwards with a sharp jerk. Her shoulder juts forward, but meets his flank instead of her initial target since he has moved forward-- ugh, MORE bruising. Still, he intends to yank that ankle right out from under her! It would not break, though the muscle might be somewhat pulled, but all in all, the intent here is to throw her off balance and to force her to lean in order to regain it. Hopefully his jaws connect, though if they so happen to miss, it is more likely they'd connect with either air, or some other part of her lover hindlimbs, perhaps even her thigh or flank if she manages. Simultaneously, he lifts the leg that she has targeted, and with a surprising little donkey-like kick, aims to simply kick her in the face, scraping his nails across the bridge of her nose and her forehead. It is without so much force that he'd cause any permanent damage, though it'd certainly hurt! The fact that his tail remains tucked against his nether-bits helps here as well, and he hopes that his foot can connect with the top of her skull--so lowered as her body is-- so that he can actually use her as a vault, pushing himself forward--and over. This means his own balance will be briefly compromised, and were she to buck and rear like a horse, he might well be thrown back, for his lighter frame would not be much of a match against her thicker body. Still, it is worth it for the potential upper hand he can gain, putting extra space between them and forcing her to turn. He tries to keep his neck and chin tucked, the fur and flesh of his nape wrinkled so that if she did so manage to grab a hold, there was enough loose skin to allow for an easier maneuverability to escape.

As a result, her attempt to stomp on his foot misses, since his own foot is no longer there, though the blood from her teeth has already begun to seep into his fur. Uggghhh. The pain would remain as well, brought back to life with a renewed fury as he lifts his leg to attempt that kick-vault, though he'd keep in mind to worry the limb a bit once all four feet are back on the ground. Their close proximity, however, makes it easier for him to track her-- he can hear her breathing, smell her, taste her even, and he'd every so delighted to have finally found an opponent who was willing to ignore his blindness and not underestimate him as so many others had before. Unable to bend his limbs and change his center of balance in such a poise, he compensates for this by spreading his weight evenly along the three legs that are planted firmly to the ground, toes spread to help with the distribution of weight.
(No posting table used for easier reading!)
Height - 42 Inches
Weight - 107 lbs
Build - LIGHT