
Don't Dream It's Over



5 Years
05-28-2018, 04:12 PM
It hadn’t occurred to her that she would get any company today, in fact as long as she’d been here it seems this place was completely deserted by her kind. She hadn’t thought about the fact it was winter and most would be staying clear of the north. She hadn’t at all been paying attention to her surroundings, which for a loner like her was reckless. She can ntinued to move, staring ahead like a zombie, blocking out the world around her, and consumed by her thoughts. She wondered if she was doing something wrong in her life or if she was simply having a lot of bad luck. She was more inclined to think it was bad luck considering how her childhood started out. She hadn’t even noticed the male come to a stop, only when he spot did she skid to a halt and threw her head in his direction. Bright green eyes met with his dual gaze and for a moment she was absolutely silent her mind in a slight state of panick. Normally she would shy from strangers, but being the lack of companionship for so long left her with a strong desire to have the company of another. Inner turmoil made it difficult for her to form words. She would just stand and stare at him before suddenly dropping her gaze to the ground.

”No it’s okay I should’ve been paying attention and not try and hog the whole length of the shore,” her words were quiet, though her tone pleasant like it normally would be.

She looked up and looked around them, wondering what else she had missed in her ignorance. After looking around and spotting nothing else she looked back to him, seeking to lock her eyes with his again. Something about the two different colored eyes was comforting and drew out the curiousity in her. Mortar had also had two different colored eyes, but this male had different color from his. Looking over the markings on her face and looking for any signs of injury, a habit she had been doing since she had learned about healing.

”what brings you to the middle of no where?” she quietly asked.
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]