
Birds of a Feather



7 Years
Extra large

05-28-2018, 07:14 PM
Lark wasn't sure how Sparrow would react to him, but his hesitation wouldn't stop him from giving it an honest effort. He'd enjoyed their last few conversations - and though it still was ironic to him that she was one of his only siblings left here out of all of them, out of the ones he'd been so much closer to.. well, this was what life had given them. And though they'd once bonded over that fact, they'd grown even more distant lately, a thing that felt as much his fault as hers.

Her comment once might've brought a slight chuckle, as he'd always been a fan of cynical humor, this time it didn't seem all that humorous. He merely sighed in response, nodding slightly. "Here, more or less," Lark answered softly, his voice hardly even sounding like his own now; it sounded weak and uncertain, qualities he had always tried to shy away from. He was merely a shadow of what he'd once been - though so weren't they all, right? He wondered if those strong, leader-like qualities were more like personas than actual personality traits. His father hadn't been all that much like a leader when he'd left without a word. Sparrow probably didn't feel like much of one now, either.

He grunted in response to her next question. "Safety matters more than happiness now." Once, freedom was the core of Abaven's traits, but was fearing for one's safety and having to watch over their shoulder really true freedom? Or was knowing they had somewhere safe to rest and rear their families equally as valuable? Lark didn't know anymore. "I think you're doing as good as you could be. If I was in your position, I doubt I'd be able to make those choices." Lark frowned, shaking his head as he eyed her. "I'm proud of you, you know. Even if you don't feel the same." The elephant in the room had grown increasingly obvious, even if he didn't fully grasp how everything had come to fruition. Lillie seemed to be at the center of it all, and whatever relationship he had begun to form with Sparrow had all but ceased to exist at the news of Lillie bearing his children. He didn't want to press her on it, either - talking about it seemed pointless now, but that wouldn't stop the slight tinge of sadness from creeping into his voice.