
What Hurts The Most


07-07-2013, 02:24 PM

Sleep. It was such a beautiful time. Worries and stress and emotions and everything else that one had to deal with while awake no longer mattered when one rested for the night, allowing their eyes to fall closed and their mind to sink into sub consciousness. Gael had never had a problem sleeping before; it had always come rather easily to the young Adravendi, minus the few times that his worrisome mind wouldn't allow him to completely settle down for the night. But that night, curled up against Meili he had slept more soundly than an exhausted pup. It was such an unique feeling to be sleeping with someone, a woman at that. He hadn't slept in the company of anyone else in nearly a year. He was glad that the first time he slept in the company of another it was with his little woman.

The next morning came in, bringing with it brilliant sunshine to counteract the heavy drizzle from the night before. The young man continued to sleep, unaware that his companion had awoken until he felt a stirring at his side. Muscles twitched in reaction, lids slowly peeling back against cerulean gems, jaws splitting in a wide yawn that ended with a sharp whine, a brief shake of the head bringing him into full consciousness. Droopy cerulean pools focused on the little woman before him, a half sleepy smile curling his jaws, plume wagging happily. Were you watching me sleep? He rumbled huskily, voice thick with sleep as he chuckled to himself, reaching up with a paw to rub at his eyes, trying to chase away the sleepiness entirely.

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