
Treat Other As You Wish To Be Treated (Claiming?)

Ezekiel I


07-07-2013, 02:27 PM

The male paused and began an attempt to rhyme, but Ezekiel would have none of it. Halfway through the male's speech, the gargantuan bird intervened to cut him off, scoffing harshly and beating his wings more forcefully to send gusts down to the lot of them.

"No, no, no!

Just stop right now!

How dare you slander rhyme

with the intelligence of a cow!

"A fool, an idiot--

a loser you are!

With that slow of wit

I'm sure you won't go far!"

A secondary barrage of words reached him, and he cackled, a hiss in the undertones of the crackling sound. What an absolutely bland and stupid set of individuals. Unintelligent and lacking wit, he was uncertain how these lupine creatures survived--especially this bunch of them with their downright thick skulls. He glared down at the dark brute with malice.

"Reason? I need reason?

When you insult my home?

Slander and threaten it

when it feeds me my bones?

"No, let's reconsider--

switch to an analysis of you.

Look at you there,

with no clue!

"Acting like some saint,

with 'patience' undying,

unaware of reality

and those you've left sighing.

"So don't act like you can read me

like a wide-open book

when you can hardly read reality

with such an illiterate look."

Quite frankly, Ezekiel hated individuals like this. They believed themselves to be saints or ultimate predictors of one's personality when in reality, they knew nothing. They were almost unrealistic in their very creation and severely lacking any depth. If there was one, and only one personality type that could be seen through like glass, this dark brute's would be the one. He had also blatantly ignored the other wolf, caring not for his stupidity, either.
