
The Great Gig in the Sky



6 Years
Extra large

05-29-2018, 07:12 AM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2018, 02:42 PM by Elias.)

OOC: Mandatory for Purgatorians.
Other ranks can get by with saying they were busy with their duties. :P
First round due 6/5.

Winter. Like every season, Winter held meaning to the wolves of Ruina. It was the season of their predator cull, it was the season that the new imps would be born. There was a lot to keep Elias busy, but it was a difficult time for the once again risen Apollyon for multiple reasons. It was the season of his father’s death, but it was also the season of inner chaos for the frail mind of Elias.

His short coat never did supply much insulation from the chill of Winter, he wasn't looking forward to the midseason blizzards up in the mountains of the Maw, but his fur was already thickening from the time he had been spending up there. His mantle held an unkempt look as it nearly stood on end from the push of his undercoat growing in underneath. He would have to be careful when the temperature dropped too dramatically, but for now, he was confident in his capabilities to withstand the cold. There were much more pressing matters weighing in on the scales of importance to him.

He had never been a father, not really. He knew that. He had children, but he was not a father. Not yet. In his mind, he had yet to prove himself worthy of the same respect his own father held from every single one of their children. What was it about the late Apollyon that held everyone's attention? Why was he so successful in keeping them from hating him? Did any of his current children hate him? Maybe Kane? And would he be able to raise these new children in the same way his father meant to raise him? There were so many questions on the man's mind revolving around these pups. He was excited, but it was so drowned by his insecurities that he had even been avoiding Zuriel.

Granted he had a lot of work to do with keeping their borders secure, maintaining a political presence with the surrounding packs, organizing the new Purgatorians and ensuring they were on the right path, and finally.. tracking down the bears he planned to hunt this season during their hibernation. Guilt riddled him over his failure to secure at least one sacrifice to the demons of Ruina during the reaping season. They structured themselves in late Autumn with barely enough time to organize anything, yet still... he had wanted to pay tribute to prevent.. this.

His journey ended this afternoon up in the peaks of the Maw, the second highest to be exact. It was the peak that housed the pack, the first den to be sighted along the mountain pass that led up to it would be the grand den of Ruina's citadel where he and Zuriel slept. His eyes were wide with a familiar looking madness and his body movements were unnecessarily quick paced and near frantic. He stopped outside of the courtyard, thoughts racing through his mind and whispers echoing in his ears. His legs were covered in dirt and mud, making it very obvious the man had been traveling for some time. Regardless of his rugged appearance, the colossal wolf lifted his head and rang out a summon for all of his demons. It was time to get started, he was sure everyone was getting… hungry. He knew his demons were, at least.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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