
Seeking an Eden



4 Years
05-29-2018, 08:46 AM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2018, 08:47 AM by Drakan.)

The male's thick toes grasped at the earth, the tingling sensation still strong within him. Vibrant gaze shifted to shadowed movement among the mountain side. Suddenly, an unexpected chill of ice ran down his spine, his skin shifting beneath his thick coat to shake it off. Was it the presence of this new male or his past thoughts that caused it though? Nubs atop of his head worked to take in the strange tongue of the new, behemoth of a male. What was that? Drakan glanced momentarily to the long-faced male, seeking a reaction, before falling back to the ashen male as his jaws worked and formed speech he recognized easily.

The large male's baritone rang deep, his words like that of silk to Drakan. So this was the alpha of this strange canine. Of these barren lands. Drakan's gaze was shrouded by dark lids as he lowered his gaze, shoulders rolling as he worked to slightly lower his stature into that of a respectable bow for royalty. Once Elias had questioned his previous role, he'd return to his previous stance- chest out, back straight, and head raised. Male's tongue ran across his lips to draw back excess saliva before he managed to speak. "Drakan Malthael." A larger than usual lower canine grasped at his upper lip during his pause- though it would soon find it's place behind his lips once his next words were spoken. "Once I served in a battalion under a magnificent warchief. I was taken into the clan during adolescence. My warchief and his right hand trained me in both battle and hunting large game. I have lost them, my brothers and sisters of war, to an avalanche that struck many moons ago and I do not believe any of them to have survived."

Another pause fell upon Drakan as he shifted his view away from the two males and looked down towards the valley. There was more to his story, of why a kid ended up among the ranks of a battalion in the first place... However, he vowed to never speak word of his sins against his own flesh and blood to any other. "I have no ties holding me, Apollyon."

"Speech." Thoughts.

[Image: HL1CWJV.png][Image: bqjzbYg.png]
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