
The Malthael Family (1 open)



1 Year
05-29-2018, 06:20 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2018, 07:14 PM by Pumpkin.)
OOC Name: Bear
Name: Adarra Malthael
Appearance: A perfect brown, base shudders through her fur. Almost as if canyons painted her with clay, as she shudders into the shadows. It paints her own head, such a great contrast. Like dyed leather, mixed with the rotten raw hide of a lamb. She is lethal and agile, built for flight and not fight. She is on the smaller side of things, being only 26" at the shoulder, but all in all 28". Her coat becomes that tan clay color, back on her ears. As she reaches her muzzle there is a tan-ish light blonde, blaze the same color that stains her brows and under her eyes. It relishes inside her ears, and down her ankle till it lightens. Stains her hocks and underside, and down her tail till a dark chocolate, slightly mud brown blesses the tip of her fluffy tail. The same light blonde that creeps around her toes, goes down her knees on her back legs. And she has the common yellow eyes.
She's a sweet girl, always putting others in front of herself. She is soft, and never really gets mad. She's easy to manipulate because of this and tends to trust people a little too easily. She tends to also think the world is all, smiles and rainbows.
Feels Betrayed:
Because of her brother's wrongdoings (at least in her mind) she holds a deep sadness and tends to shy away from blood and other things. Though she knows deep down her brother just wanted to help, it still brings a deep pain to her. For what he did to his own family, though she knows deep down he would never hurt her. She still wonders if he would.
She is quite at first and tends to try and stay away from males she isn't hard to unshell. She is very talkative once she learns to trust someone, almost always she has her mouth open. One way out of many ways, she's annoying. Yet she has a way of sensing people intentions but, sometimes it fails and she becomes very vulnerable.
RP Sample: The young lady walked softly down a steep hill, the memories of her brother struck through her mind. A soft whine came from her, should she forgive him? But she shook her head, what he did is unforgivable. She could lie, but that wouldn't stop her own feelings from getting into the way. She walked a little faster as she tried to blink away the tears that tore at her eyes. She didn't know that she was following, the footsteps of her brother. She was wandering his path, away from home... Away from her family. She shuddered at the frost, that bite at her. She had been losing weight and fur, she was becoming unhealthy. She hadn't been able to find food, or scavenge enough to properly sustain her.

She slides down the slope slightly, her paws hit mud she almost losing footing. Her nails find solid terrain, which they dig into. A loud deep breath slides through her sleek frame, "t-That was close.." she spoke softly, a deep sigh that seems to shake slightly leaves her. Wow, to close for her comfort. But she kept moving, being more careful than before. She flagged her tail out for balance now, as she came across a stream she looked up and down it, there wasn't a way across except the mossy, slippery stones that were in front of her. And she wasn't going to walk another freaking hour, so she could go across safely.

She lowered her center of gravity and bent her knees. She narrowed her eyes, in case she splashed her face with water. As she jumped she let her tail flag out behind her, nails gripped into the moss. She smiled slightly, she go-Suddenly mid though she started sliding. SPLASH. She fell into the water, she growled as she wavered in the water. The icy water, soaked into her fur. She tried to swim to the other side, and what seemed to take hours (Only like five seconds) she was on solid land, she whizzed and coughed. God, that was an unexpected ride. Well, I guess that's what happens when you believe in yourself. She shook out her coat and lied under a tree. A least I can sleep..