
Taste the torture as you crawl begging for more


05-30-2018, 09:53 PM
The young woman had been with Dae long enough now to know what her heat meant. The woman wasn’t sure she was prepared to be a mother… in fact it scared her. It made her sense of dissociation go haywire. Her mind was in chaos and so, in a moment of panic, she had slipped away from the den she and Daemon shared. She could feel everything whirling around her as the snow flurried down towards the earth. It was cold, cold… so cold. She could see the frost coming out of her mouth but it didn’t register as her breath being cold. Her body felt numb, and Nova barely registered the trees around her as she came to the edge of the territory. She leaned against a tree, panting, as she looked around, ears flat against her skull.

She didn’t mind learning the other things… but the thought of motherhood honestly scared her. She knew it’d be coming… but she didn’t feel anywhere near ready. Daemon had promised he’d show her what it meant to be a woman… teach her about her role in the world. But right now everything felt weird. She blinked her bright red orbs several times, trying to bring herself back to reality. “D-Dammit…” The female whispered. “Come on… focus… dammit…” Nova closed those orbs, feeling her body craving Dae’s touch again… and yet…

The sound of approaching pawsteps faintly registered in her ears and Nova lifted her head again, looking around. It was when she saw those muted rainbow colors that her eyes widened, and she barked out softly into the falling snow. “C-chasm?”