
In that funny lookin' car with the little blinkin’ lights



6 Years
Extra large

05-30-2018, 10:35 PM

As she answered he seemed expressionless to the admission, he'd already come to that conclusion. Her claim of not being around her family made his heart sink slightly. Family was everything to his father, to their old ways.. and here his own was in shambles. He was trying his best to bring it together finally now that he was on better terms with his demons, and her mother didn't seem to despise him as Odette did. But, if she wasn't with him and she wasn't spending time with them, who was she spending time with and how was she fairing?

He didn't like seeing any woman without a pack, as bigoted of a thought as that might be. All rogues were lost, as he was, in his own mind.. though he hoped she had somewhere to call home and wasn't spending all this time on her own without direction. He knew how hard it could be for a beautiful woman when coming into contact with directionless wolves when they are by themselves. Afterall, an incident that could occur to such lost women was what brought her into this world. He narrowed his eyes and looked away from her for the moment. He welcomed her warmth as she pressed into him, though he couldn't bring himself to lean into it or feel like he deserved her closeness just yet.

"I do know Storm, yes." He answered quickly, a shiver running through his body as a breeze rolled in off the cold ocean waters.

"She and I actually have children together, believe it or not- though I haven't been able to find them all yet, unfortunately." 'Yes, that means you,' he thought.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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